Saturday, November 6, 2010

School Pictures

Crazy to think that we have 2 kids old enough to have "school pictures", but ladies and gentlemen I'm hear to tell you that is the case. Believe it or not the pictures they take these days are quite high tech. Megan and I were given 8 or so different options for backgrounds if we wanted to be picky, various poses we could request, etc. If I remember my shots correctly it was a one snap deal, and if you happened to be picking your nose...oh well. Here are 3 different shots of both Ethan and Kate, and they are all amazing. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Both Ethan and Kate look so grown up and happy! Love it!!!

Becca Beecher said...

I am with you on the school pictures. I remember we got one shot, one pose, and one backdrop. Who knew school pictures were getting so fancy? It is similar to when I just went and got my fingerprints done. Did you know they are electronic know?! You might have and I could be just behind the times!

Unknown said...

I was aware, but trust me the electronic version is much nicer than the ink mess that it used to be! Why are you getting fingerprinted anyway Sunny?!

Willyne Beecher said...

they are getting so big! i know how much they love school!