Saturday, December 17, 2011

African Christmas

Every year the kids' school does a fundraiser for a school in Africa by performing a play entitled the First African Christmas.  Ethan was in it for the first time last year, and both he and Kate were in it this year.  They peformed at the Vista Charter School, and was exciting given that their stage is actually a stage in round.  Brought us much closer to the action, and it was awesome seeing the kids do their thing.  Here's some pictures and video for your enjoyment.

Riley actually did really well, and watched intently most of the night.  Think he's really just practicing in his head for his turn in a few years :)


Benjamin said...

Absolutely fantastic! Wish I could have been there.

Rachel said...

Best part of these videos is listening to you guys laugh in the background. :) Seriously awesome. kate's dance moves might have been my favorite part.