Monday, May 31, 2010


Next up is our little Wahine. She never ceases to amaze, and this week is certainly no different. We've reached the stage where we have magical monsters scaring us in our room now, but fear not we came up with a perfect way to combat them. For the dragons under the bed, we take a pot from our kitchen, mix in some water (the right knob on the sink) and then add in some magic pixie dust (the left knob on the sink). Kate mixes it all together, and then we throw the potent potion under the bed putting the dragons (yes I said it plural, there's a big one and small one) to sleep.

Now, another visitor in the room is a little harder to handle. He's the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood, and he likes to hang out in the corner by the closet. Fortunately for us though we have Sheriff Woody around, and with Kate helping him man his gun we take care of the wolf as well. Oh dear...where will her imagination take us next!

Here's a video of her and Josh enjoying a little "tramp" time.

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